Beati illi, qui est imago-free

Beati illi, qui est imago-free

06 February 2019

Center for Experimental Humanities, New York University, New York, USA | Website

In this artist talk, Zach Blas will discuss his recent work on Silicon Valley and time travel, airport security, mysticism, BDSM, and more. Blas reimagines the airport security setting through the genre of body horror cinema, with body scans and biometric meshes as key protagonists. These digital bodies—extracted from embodied selves—are inspected, prodded, and probed for the sake of risk preemption, but how do such acts come to provoke or terrify, when—no matter how violently handled— the digital renderings of securitized people appear to be free of the horrors of bodily violation?


Poster 6 MB